I have started to write stories ever since grade 8, but since they are written in Chinese I strongly advice you to read it in Chinese, or it will look awful translated in English. The English ones are those I have updated recently. Enjoy.


【大結局】世界的盡頭 (下)

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【大結局】世界的盡頭 (中)
Last Chapter: End of the World (Part II)


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Special Chapter: The Magician of Time


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此為I Rain的翻譯文:


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  • Sep 17 Sat 2016 13:28
  • I Rain

“It was raining,” I said. “It was raining all day long.” He turned to look at me, surprised by my sudden urge to speak. We had been in a fight for a couple of weeks which both of us were unwilling to compromise. The “Epic World War III” was what Emma, my sister, had called it while rolling her eyes. 

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Outside my window, there was a tree, a very ordinary tree. It had a very ordinary tree trunk, which was neither thick nor thin. It had very ordinary branches, which were neither leafy nor leafless. It had very ordinary leaves, which were neither shriveling nor thriving. It was a tree that was commonly seen in the park, by the sidewalk, in the garden, and even outside of another person’s window. Even though there was nothing unique or distinctive about this tree, it was different for me. It was special, very special.

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【大結局】世界的盡頭 (上)

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【第十一章】  箔金的懊悔(下)

Chapter 11: Golden Regret


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【第十一章】箔金的懊悔 (上)

Chapter 11: Golden Regret

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